
As a consultant helping organizations develop best practices in human capital management, leadership development, organizational culture, Kevin has spent his professional career focusing on building successful and sustainable organizations for his clients.

With over a decade of experience in leadership and organizational culture development, creative and strategic problem solving, and strong analytical skills have made him a trusted advisor and leader in his industry. He is also a sought after thought leader and asked to speak at events across the country, which led to establishment of the Leaders & Lagers Podcast.

Kevin has a Bachelor of Applied Technology in Organizational Management and Associate of Applied Science in Aerospace Science and Professional Aviation from Midland College.

He has served across various volunteer boards including as Chairman of the West Texas HR Symposium, President of the Permian Basin Society for Human Resource Management, Board of Trustees for the Museum of the Southwest. ExecRank Human Resource Advisory Council Member, and Executive Director for Maybe in Midland-Odessa.

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Kevin lives, works and podcasts from Midland, Texas and is available to travel for speaking engagements.